Sunday, December 28, 2008

outside reading aboration


I was reading this article on the pros and cons on abortion and it made me realize that aboration is a good and a bad thing.
Abortion is a good and bad thing, it is necessary to an certain extent. Me personally is against abortions if there is no solid reason to have one. I think if a women wants to have an abortion she should have a solid reason to have one. The reasons I think that a women should have a abortion is if she had gotten raped or would cause the female and medical hazard to her or the baby or is unstable/ unfit to have a baby. I really don’t see any reason for abortions if there is adoptions , there is so man y families looking for children out there so why do you need to have an abortion knowing that your child could have a good home if you cant take care of it or your not ready for it. I say anything and everything you do in your life has consequences so if you take the time to lay in the bed you have to deal with the consequences.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

race ???????????

I was just on google and i was looking up articles on race and i came across this article called Katrinas hidden race war. i read it and as i read it, i realized that it was really good article and it spooke alot of truth that most people like to deny. The article was about a black male who was walking through the heat of katrina and gets shot by three white males and they kept shooting and they said " get them get them niggers". He got shot in the neck and his two cousin who were trying to help him got shot to, but luckliy they survived but the guy who got shot in the neck lost his vision. Algiers Point was the only town in New Orleans that survived the flood but was a largly white, and the white people in the Algiers point. knew that all the people would come run to the town to get away from the flood so they got all the togther mainly white males and got there shot guns and even a uzi out potrolled the town because they didnt want anybody to come over to their town ( potrolling for african americans)and if they did they shot at them. They are still investigating and still have no proscuters. I find that very odd.
You would think that racism would be over by know cause it is 2009, but it is not their are people out there who are sick enough to kill another human,hate and torture. I find that really crazy. Before i read this i had a thought that racsim was slowly getten solved and ppl were growing up an realizing that we are all humans no matter what color we are or where we come from. I learned that there is still some people out there that just dont get it at all and we just have to live with it i guess we cant do nothing about it, its not our jobs to change the world even though if i could i would make those people out there understand that we ALL ARE THE SAME no matter what our skin color is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over all it was a good article and i liked reading it even though it was sad.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

outside reading Does my head look big in this? by Randa Abdel-Fattah

I am reading this book called Does by head look big in this By Randa Abdel-Fattah. So far i am in chapter four, from what i read so far it is really good. It is about a young Australian-born-muslim-Palestinian-Egyptian-chocoholic gurl. When she was little she went to a private catholic school even though she was Muslim, then middle school she went to a private islamic school but she didnt go there for her sophmore and junior and senior year because the islamic school she went to couldnt afford to keep on adding on to the grades because there was no funding. So her and mom and dad moved to some suburbs in Australia and she went a private prep school. she hated it there because they were so judgemental. So over spreak break she decided to be a full-time muslim by wearing the hijab full time, but she was second gueesing herself because she didnt know how ppl would treat her at her school they alredy look at her weird and gossip about her. In the end she decided to wear the hijab to school. so far i like the book it is intresting and i cant wait to read more and to find out ppls reactions.