Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Holocaust (long term affects)

The Holocaust had many effects long term and short term effects. The long term effects were more physically and emotional. The physical was one of the effects that the holocaust surviovrs had to deal with after it. In the holocaust, the prisoners of concertation camps were tatooed with a number wich was used for identification. Their identiy was taken everyday they were reminded of the terror everytime they looked down on to there arms. Acording to JOHN BURDICK Article, some are not ashmed of the tatoo but proud and have kept it to show pride. "the world should be ashamed, not me." (Tova Friedman ) Tova was five years old when she git the tatoo they told her she had no identity that this was here knew identity"A27633," the new Tova. Tovas exprience in the holocaust she will never forget being in a train with a lot of people , no food , no privacy, no water. And having to watch the naked prisoners walking in front of the Nazis to see if they were healthy. and watching young children being burned. Seeing something like that as a young child must be terrfying and haunting for the rest of there lives.To exprience that as a young chilid was terrfying for her but, it just made her a stronger person and to not be ashamed of being a survior of the holocaust bu, proud!. The Holocaust had alot of effects on the surviors but, mostly the long term effects.

1 comment:

Julia said...

GOOD JOB EDNA! this is great and will really help me with the thesis and if you print it out and bring it tomorrow I could help edit it!